Friday, March 12, 2010


Have you ever been thinking on your future?

Yes, I did and questions on my future always pop out from my mind.
I am worrying but exciting when I heard the word “graduation”. Attending graduation ceremony can be an achievement, excitement, enjoyment and most importantly for me it is a disengagement from study life, which is the thing that I am looking forward since the day I am bored with studying.

Today, I met a girl, Su Qing, she is one of the honour program candidates. From the conversation that we had this late afternoon, it seems to be so proud and interesting to have a honour program with advanced knowledge which distinguish from the normal undergraduate degree.

I was trying to put myself in an assumed situation after the chatting. If I were granted a honour program, will I pick or leave?

I have no answer but consideration will be made.
Anyway, this is just an assumption and it doesn’t really matter me right at the moment.

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